Pain Management
Some of the best current acupuncture Indications:
- For Pain Syndrome
- Headache Migraines
- Shoulder pain/rotator cuff
- Neck pain/cervicalgia
- Low back pain, due to miscellaneous reasons such as:
- Muscular sprain/strain,
- Discs hernia,
- DJD (Degeneration of Joint Disorders),
- Spinal stenosis,
- Scoliosis,
- SI (sacro-iliac) joints issues, etc.
- Tennis elbow
- Carpel tunnel syndrome
- Pain after traumatic injuries
- Sequela of strokes
- Neuropathy and retina/macular degeneration issues associated with diabetes
- Other internal issues in different systems
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is used worldwide both as a primary and complementary form of medical treatment. The list of conditions that acupuncture may help is essentially endless. The healing effects of acupuncture come in large part from the way that the body and mind are viewed and treated in Chinese medicine. While there are basic treatment protocols for many conditions, every treatment is tailored to your specific set of signs and symptoms. Treating you as an individual with a unique set of signs and symptoms, rather than a person with a specific condition, is the advantage that acupuncture offers.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture is used worldwide both as a primary and complementary form of medical treatment. The list of conditions that acupuncture may help is essentially endless. The healing effects of acupuncture come in large part from the way that the body and mind are viewed and treated in Chinese medicine. While there are basic treatment protocols for many conditions, every treatment is tailored to your specific set of signs and symptoms. Treating you as an individual with a unique set of signs and symptoms, rather than a person with a specific condition, is the advantage that acupuncture offers.